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Tracheitis In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Tracheitis In Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Reviewed by: Dr. Robert Menardi, DVM

It can be challenging to decipher whether your dog’s cough is normal or is a sign of something more serious. If your dog is making strange noises that never seem to subside, like a deep cough or gagging, it could be a sign of a condition called Tracheitis. 

What is Tracheitis? 

As you have guessed by the name, Tracheitis directly involves the trachea. The trachea also called the windpipe, is a part of both the human and canine anatomy. Essentially, it is a tube that connects the throat to the lungs and contains small cartilage rings. When the trachea is agitated or inflamed in some way, it can cause health issues such as prolonged coughing and discomfort. The trachea can become inflamed and damaged due to constant barking or some kind of infection. 

Causes of Tracheitis:

  • Excessive Barking
  • Boarding Facility (“Kennel Cough”)
  • Respiratory Pathogens (Spread Dog to Dog)


  • Prolonged Coughing
  • Honking Sounds (as if your dog is trying to clear their throat) 

Risk Factors 

Some dogs seem to be more prone to developing Tracheitis, which can be attributed to their environment or personality. Dogs that bark excessively (for example, dogs that become anxious and bark when left alone) are more likely to develop discomfort or agitation to the trachea. Barking constantly puts strain on the throat and, in turn, the trachea, which can lead to complications. 

A typical environmental situation that lends itself to Tracheitis is dogs that have spent time in boarding facilities. With boarding facilities and kennels come heavily populated areas with a lot of different dogs. Just like humans, if you put that many dogs together in a confined space, the chances of infections spreading rise significantly. It could be that your dog “caught” a respiratory pathogen like kennel cough from one of the other dogs.

Excessive barking can also be a problem in boarding facilities, as dogs may be unnerved by their current situation and surroundings. When certain dogs are suffering from the environmental stress of being in a boarding facility in general, they constantly bark, conveying their displeasure and nervousness. This excessive barking, coupled with the environmental risk factors kennels and facilities can bring, can put dogs at increased risk of developing some sort of trachea-based infection. 


The good news is, usually, your dog’s symptoms will subside on their own, and their tracheal irritation will eventually pass. For dogs that seem to have an ongoing infection and are not showing signs of improvement, treatments (usually inexpensive) are available at your veterinarian. 

For issues like kennel cough, there is preventative treatment. This mainly includes a vaccine, which can be critical throughout your dog’s life. Never again will you have to worry about them contracting kennel cough, no matter how many times they may have to stay in a boarding facility or kennel. Besides, kennel cough is not mutually exclusive with kennels; your dog can catch and develop this health issue at any time, from any dog. The kennel cough vaccine can eliminate a substantial contributing factor to Tracheitis. If you haven’t already, consult your veterinarian and think about getting your dog vaccinated! Further preventative treatment includes exercising your dog regularly and maintaining a healthy weight. 

Tracheal Collapse

Primarily found in smaller dog breeds, tracheal collapse is a term used to describe a depression of the trachea. Many dogs with this condition will make the “honking or gagging” noise discussed earlier and have trouble breathing properly. If you suspect your dog may have this condition, their symptoms will appear to worsen in situations where allergens, smoke, and humid weather are present. 

How do I know if my dog has Tracheitis?

Tracheitis can be caused by a variety of factors, both environmental and physical. It can be a complex condition to put the finger on since things like coughing are a natural, everyday occurrence. You know your dog better than anyone. If you think they display an uncharacteristic cough, and it seems to be ongoing, your dog may be suffering from a tracheal irritation or infection. If this is the case, it is not the end of the world, but your veterinarian should still address it. If left untreated or unchecked, tracheal damage can lead to several other health problems, never mind the constant discomfort your dog is feeling.

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