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Severe Itching in Dogs: A Veterinarian’s Experience

Dog on a computer with Ellevet products

Allergy season is here with a vengeance, and there is nothing more stressful to pet parents than seeing their dogs in misery.  Itching, chewing on their skin, and constantly scratching until their skin is red and raw.  In pet owner surveys, itching is more upsetting than just about any other ailment because it is constant and so hard to provide relief for pets.

Our Clinical Study Success with Dogs

The formal term for itchy skin is Pruritus. Its commonly caused by either your dog’s food or environment. Food allergies can be managed reasonably well, but environmental allergies are almost impossible to control.  Among the products available to pet parents, very few will resolve itching.

ElleVet Sciences recently completed a clinical study on itching in dogs that did not respond to traditional itching products from their veterinarians. Many of these dogs had almost complete relief from itching after a few weeks on ElleVet CBD oil for dogs.

A Veterinarian’s Experience with Our CBD+CBDA Oil

The best way to show how successful the trial was and how awful itching can be, is a real-life account from a veterinarian who treated her dog.

This is Her Story of Her Dog’s Battle with Pruritus

A veterinarian in Massachusetts had a dog with severe itching due to allergies.  He was refractory for all known treatments, and his itching was so severe that he would need to be put under anesthesia several times a day to get some relief.  She tried everything from cold laser to daily shots, and nothing worked.  Every test, every product, every option was explored.  After eight long months of an emotional, physical, and financial toll on her, her dog, her hospital staff, and her family, they were considering euthanasia as the kindest option as their dog couldn’t sleep at night and had no quality of life.

Then she read about the clinical trial ElleVet did on pruritis and thought she would try it as the eleventh hour, last-ditch effort.  The ElleVet CBD+CBDA oil worked!  Within a week, he had stopped itching completely.  The veterinarian did her own experiment and stopped ElleVet for a few days, and the itching came back. 

A note to ElleVet from the veterinarian said,

“After missing 3 doses he stopped sleeping and his scratching was obvious once again.”

Today her dog is doing exceptionally well and living his best life, using our CBD+CBDA oil.  The family and the entire practice staff were grateful as they witnessed firsthand his dramatic improvement.  The practice is now using ElleVet as the first line of defense for many areas, not just pruritis, and has also had a great response from some parrots with feather plucking issues!

Dog With Syringe for Ellevet

ElleVet Sciences: Your First Line of Defense

ElleVet is a great first line of defense, and we encourage veterinarians and pet owners to advocate for trying a product that is safe, often the safest option available, and is proven to work. Many times, CBD + CBDA succeeds when other products cannot provide relief. We offer a CBD+CBDA product line that has been clinically proven for effectiveness and safety!

There is nothing better than hearing these success stories and nothing that inspires us to keep testing and doing studies and making the best product we can.  We want to help every pet that needs us, one dog and one cat at a time.

The ElleVet Team
[email protected]
