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Tapeworm Symptoms in Dogs

Beagle laying on ground in his home

Tapeworms in dogs are a common yet often overlooked health concern. These intestinal parasites can affect your dog’s well-being in various ways, making it crucial for pet owners to recognize the signs and understand the implications. 

Tapeworms can cause discomfort and lead to more serious health issues if left untreated. Being informed about these parasites can allow you to take proactive steps to ensure your dog’s health and happiness. 

So, what exactly are tapeworms, and what are the key symptoms to watch out for? 

What Are Tapeworms in Dogs? 

Tapeworms are a type of cestode parasite that resides in the intestines of dogs. They attach themselves to the intestinal wall, absorbing nutrients from the dog’s diet. The most common species of tapeworms in dogs include Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., and Echinococcus spp.

Dipylidium Caninum

This is the most common tapeworm in dogs, typically contracted through ingesting an infected flea. The adult flea harbors the larvae of the tapeworm, and when a dog chews or licks its skin in response to the flea bite, it may inadvertently swallow the flea. Once inside the dog’s gut, the larvae develop into adult tapeworms.

Taenia and Echinococcus

These tapeworms are usually contracted when a dog consumes an infected intermediate host, such as rodents or livestock. These species of tapeworms can be more serious, with Echinococcus having the potential to cause significant health issues in dogs and even humans.

Life Cycle and Segments

Tapeworms have a unique life cycle that involves multiple stages. After the larvae are ingested, they develop into adult tapeworms in the dog’s small intestine. These adult tapeworms produce segments, known as proglottids, filled with tapeworm eggs. 

These segments are passed in the dog’s feces and can sometimes be seen near the dog’s anus or in its stool. They often resemble small grains of rice and are a key indicator of tapeworm infestation.

What Are the Symptoms of Tapeworm Infestation?

Identifying tapeworm infestation in dogs primarily involves recognizing certain symptoms and signs. While some dogs may not show any overt signs of discomfort, others may exhibit clear indicators of a tapeworm problem.

Visible Segments in Feces or Around Anus

One of the most noticeable signs of tapeworms in dogs is the appearance of worm segments in the dog’s feces or around its anus. These segments, known as proglottids, look like small, white grains of rice. They may be seen moving shortly after being passed but eventually dry out and resemble sesame seeds.


Dogs with tapeworms may scoot or drag their rear end across the ground due to irritation caused by the segments exiting the dog’s anus. While scooting can be a symptom of other issues like anal gland problems, it’s also a common sign of tapeworms.

Changes in Appetite and Weight Loss

Tapeworms feed on nutrients in the dog’s intestine, which can lead to weight loss despite a normal or increased appetite. This symptom is more evident in severe infestations.

General Discomfort or Distress

Dogs with a significant tapeworm infestation may show signs of abdominal discomfort, restlessness, or irritability due to the irritation and nutrient loss caused by the parasites.


A less common symptom, lethargy or decreased energy levels may occur, especially if the infestation leads to significant nutritional deficiencies.


Occasionally, a dog with tapeworms might vomit, and it’s possible to see segments or even entire worms in the vomit.

Not all dogs will show clear symptoms of tapeworms, and the presence of these parasites can only be definitively confirmed through a veterinary examination. If you suspect your dog has tapeworms, it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What Do Tapeworms Look Like in a Dog’s Poop?

Again, tapeworms in a dog’s poop are most commonly identified by the presence of proglottids, which are segments of the tapeworm. When fresh, they may move, but as they dry, they become harder and take on a golden or brownish hue. 

These segments can also sometimes be found stuck to the fur around the dog’s anus or in the dog’s bedding, in addition to being present in the feces. It’s important to note that these visible segments are not the entire worm but parts of it, as the full length of a tapeworm can be several inches long and usually remains attached to the intestinal wall.

What Is the Impact of Tapeworms on Your Dog’s Health?

While a mild tapeworm infestation might not cause significant health issues in dogs, a severe infestation can lead to various health problems. Nutritional deficiencies are a primary concern, as tapeworms absorb nutrients from the dog’s intestines, potentially leading to weight loss and a general decline in health. 

Additionally, a heavy infestation can cause intestinal blockages and irritation. In puppies and young dogs, severe tapeworm infestations can be more problematic, potentially contributing to stunted growth and anemia. 

In rare cases, certain types of tapeworms, like Echinococcus, can pose serious health risks to both dogs and humans. It’s important for dog owners to be aware of these potential impacts and to seek veterinary care if tapeworms are suspected, as timely treatment can effectively mitigate these risks.

What Is the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tapeworms in Dogs?

Diagnosing tapeworms in dogs typically involves a veterinary examination and assessment of symptoms. A definitive diagnosis is often made by identifying tapeworm segments or eggs in the dog’s stool. In some cases, a stool sample may be analyzed under a microscope to confirm the presence of tapeworm eggs.

Once diagnosed, tapeworm treatment in dogs is usually straightforward and highly effective. The most common treatment is administering a deworming medication, such as praziquantel, specifically designed to target and eliminate tapeworms. 

This medication can be given orally or by injection and works by dissolving the tapeworms in the dog’s intestines, so you may not see dead worms in the dog’s stool after treatment. It’s also important to address the source of the infestation to prevent recurrence. 

This involves effective flea control, as fleas are often the intermediate host for the most common type of tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum. Regular flea prevention treatments, maintaining a clean environment, and avoiding exposure to potentially infected animals or contaminated areas are key in preventing re-infestation.

In most cases, dogs recover quickly after treatment with no lasting effects. However, ongoing monitoring and preventive measures are crucial to keep them tapeworm-free.

How Can You Prevent Tapeworms in Dogs?

Preventing tapeworms in dogs largely revolves around controlling fleas, as they are the primary carriers of the most common tapeworm species. Regular flea prevention treatments, such as topical applications, oral medications, or flea collars, are essential. 

Additionally, maintaining a clean living environment for your dog, including regular cleaning and vacuuming of spaces where the dog spends time, can help minimize the risk of flea infestation. It is also important to prevent your dog from hunting or scavenging, which can expose them to other types of tapeworms. 

Regular deworming schedules, as recommended by your veterinarian, can further protect your dog from tapeworms and other intestinal parasites. A holistic approach combining these measures is key to effectively preventing tapeworm infestations.

When Should Consult Your Vet About a Tapeworm?

Consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has tapeworms, especially if you notice symptoms like visible segments in their stool or unexplained weight loss. Regular veterinary check-ups and fecal examinations are also important for early detection and prevention of tapeworms and other intestinal parasites.

Wrapping Up

At ElleVet, we are committed to helping you understand tapeworms so that you can keep your furry friend happy and healthy. While a common issue in dogs, tapeworms can be effectively managed with the right knowledge and care. 

Recognizing the symptoms of tapeworm infestation, such as visible segments in feces or signs of discomfort in your dog, is crucial for timely intervention. Equally important is understanding the lifecycle of tapeworms and the ways in which dogs become infested, primarily through fleas or consuming infected prey. 

Preventative measures, including rigorous flea control and avoiding exposure to potentially infected animals, play a vital role in keeping your dog tapeworm-free. Regular veterinary check-ups, including fecal examinations, are invaluable for early detection and treatment. 

Adhering to these practices not only safeguards your dog’s health but also contributes to a happier, more comfortable life for your canine companion. Remember, prompt and proactive actions coupled with professional veterinary guidance are your best tools in the fight against tapeworms in dogs.


Tapeworms | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

What Do Flea Bites Look Like on Dogs | American Kennel Club

Echinococcosis | WHO

CDC – Dipylidium – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | CDC
