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9 Home Remedies for Fleas on Dogs

Small golden retriever lab dog itching ear with foot

Fleas on dogs are a common nuisance that can cause significant discomfort for our furry friends. These tiny parasites cause itching and irritation and can lead to more serious health issues if left untreated. 

As responsible pet parents, it’s crucial to address flea infestations promptly and effectively. This article aims to provide pet owners with nine proven home remedies for dealing with fleas and alleviating their dog’s discomfort.

What Is the Life Cycle of a Flea?

Understanding the life cycle of fleas is key to combating these persistent pests. Fleas undergo a complete metamorphosis, consisting of four stages: eggs, larvae, pupae, and adult fleas. 

  • The life cycle begins when an adult female flea lays eggs on the dog’s fur. These flea eggs eventually fall off into the environment, such as carpets, dog bedding, or cracks in the floor.
  • The eggs then hatch into flea larvae, which feed on organic debris and flea feces.
  • The larvae then spin cocoons and enter the pupal stage, where they transform, emerging as adult fleas.

Targeting each stage of the flea life cycle is crucial to effectively control infestations. We can eliminate these pests from our dogs and homes by interrupting the life cycle and preventing fleas from reproducing.

How Does a Dog Get Fleas?

Fleas are resourceful parasites that can find their way onto our dogs through various means. Common areas where fleas reside include pet bedding, carpets, upholstery, and baseboards. 

Dogs can pick up fleas from outdoor environments, interactions with infested animals, or even from visiting places where fleas are present, including dog parks and kennels. 

Once fleas infest a dog, they quickly multiply and cause numerous health risks. Flea bites can lead to intense itching and discomfort for the dog, often resulting in scratching, biting, and self-inflicted skin damage. 

Additionally, some dogs may develop flea allergy dermatitis, an allergic reaction to flea saliva that can cause severe itching and inflammation. In severe cases, flea infestations can lead to anemia, especially in puppies or dogs with weakened immune systems.

To ensure the well-being of our beloved pets, it is essential to address flea problems promptly and implement effective flea control measures throughout our homes.

How Can You Prevent Flea Infestations?

Before we get into how you can deal with fleas, let’s talk a little bit about how you can prevent them. A comprehensive approach to treating your dog and the surrounding environment can go a long way to preventing fleas from ever coming near your dog. 

Here are a few things that you can do that can significantly reduce the risk of a flea infestation:

  • Regular grooming: Regularly brush and comb your dog’s coat to remove fleas and their eggs. Focus on areas where fleas tend to hide, such as the neck, back, and tail. Using dog shampoo can also help when grooming your dog.
  • Flea comb: Use a fine-toothed flea comb to comb through your dog’s fur, capturing adult fleas and eggs. Dip the comb in soapy water to drown the fleas.
  • Vacuuming: Vacuum your home thoroughly, paying close attention to areas where your dog spends time. Vacuuming helps remove flea eggs, larvae, and pupae from carpets, furniture, and crevices.
  • Washing bedding: Regularly wash your dog’s bedding and any other fabric items they come into contact with, such as blankets or cushion covers. Use hot water and a detergent that kills fleas.
  • Environmental control: Consider using natural nematodes in your yard, as they feed on flea larvae and help reduce the population. Keep your outdoor areas clean and free from debris where fleas can thrive.
  • Flea prevention products: Explore flea prevention products, such as spot-on treatments, flea collars, flea shampoo, or oral medications recommended by your veterinarian. These products help kill adult fleas and prevent infestations.
  • Regular veterinary check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with your veterinarian to ensure your dog’s overall health. They can recommend the best flea prevention methods based on your dog’s specific needs.
  • Maintain a clean home: Keep your home clean and clutter-free to reduce hiding places for fleas. Regularly sweep and mop floors, and keep carpets and upholstery clean.
  • Natural flea repellents: Consider using natural flea repellents, such as herbal sprays or essential oils like peppermint or lavender oil. Be sure to research safe dilution ratios by using a carrier oil and consult with your veterinarian before using essential oils on your dog.
  • Consistency is key: Consistently implementing these prevention methods is crucial for long-term flea control. Fleas can quickly reproduce, so it’s important to maintain a proactive approach to prevent infestations.

10 Natural Home Remedies for Fleas on Dogs

Fleas on dogs can be a persistent problem, causing itchiness and discomfort for our beloved pets. While various commercial flea treatments are available, many dog owners prefer to explore natural and homemade remedies to address flea infestations. Not only are these remedies effective, but they also provide a safer alternative to harsh chemicals.

Here are 10 effective natural home remedies that can help to get rid of fleas on dogs:

1. Lemon Bath

A lemon bath is a simple and effective home remedy to help eliminate fleas on your dog. Lemons contain natural acids that repel fleas and can relieve itching and irritation. 

Follow these steps to give your dog a lemon bath:

  1. Fill a tub with warm water.
  2. Squeeze fresh lemon juice.
  3. Add lemon juice to the water. 
  4. Bathe your dog.
  5. Massage and lather.
  6. Rinse thoroughly.
  7. Dry your dog. 

Lemons are generally safe for dogs, but monitoring their skin for any signs of irritation is important. If your dog has sensitive skin or shows any adverse reactions, discontinue using lemon baths and consult your veterinarian.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Spray

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a popular natural remedy for various health issues, including flea control. ACV helps to create an acidic environment that acts as a natural flea repellent while soothing the dog’s skin. 

Here’s how you can make and use an apple cider vinegar spray:

  1. Prepare the spray bottle.
  2. Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water.
  3. Transfer the mixture to the spray bottle.
  4. Spray your dog’s coat.
  5. Gently massage the spray into the coat.
  6. Allow the coat to air dry.

You can use this apple cider vinegar spray on your dog once or twice a week as a preventive measure or as needed to combat a flea infestation. It’s important to note that some dogs may have sensitivities to apple cider vinegar. If you notice any signs of irritation or discomfort, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian.

3. Rosemary Dip

Rosemary is an herb that is known for its flea-repelling properties. It contains natural compounds to help repel and deter fleas from your dog’s coat. 

Here’s how you can make and use a rosemary dip:

  1. Boil rosemary leaves.
  2. Let the mixture cool.
  3. Strain the mixture.
  4. Dip or spray your dog.
  5. Allow the coat to air dry.

The scent of rosemary is generally pleasant to humans but can act as a deterrent to fleas. However, it’s important to note that some dogs may have sensitivities to rosemary. If you notice any signs of irritation or discomfort, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian.

Baking soda is generally safe for dogs, but if your dog has any open wounds or sensitive skin, it’s best to consult your veterinarian before using this remedy.

4. Herbal Flea Collar

A homemade herbal flea collar can provide a natural and aromatic solution to repel fleas from your dog’s neck area. Dried herbs like lavender, rosemary, and pennyroyal are well known for being effective at flea prevention. 

Here’s how you can make and use an herbal flea collar:

  1. Gather dried herbs.
  2. Create a fabric pouch.
  3. Add dried herbs to the pouch.
  4. Secure the collar around your dog’s neck.
  5. Replace and refresh the herbs as needed.

The herbal flea collar provides a natural alternative to commercial collars that may contain chemicals. However, it’s important to monitor your dog for any signs of skin irritation or allergies. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian.

5. Coconut Oil Rub

Coconut oil is a versatile and nourishing ingredient that can be used to suffocate and repel fleas while moisturizing your dog’s skin.

Here’s how you can use coconut oil as a natural flea remedy:

  1. Choose high-quality coconut oil.
  2. Gently warm the coconut oil.
  3. Rub the coconut oil onto your dog’s coat.
  4. Leave the coconut oil on.
  5. Repeat regularly.

6. Diatomaceous Earth Powder

Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of algae. It’s highly effective in killing fleas by dehydrating them and causing damage to their exoskeleton. 

Here’s how you can use diatomaceous earth powder to eliminate fleas:

  1. Choose food-grade diatomaceous earth.
  2. Apply the powder to your dog’s fur.
  3. Leave the powder on.
  4. Brush or comb your dog.
  5. Repeat as necessary.

Diatomaceous earth is generally safe for dogs, but using food-grade diatomaceous earth and avoiding inhalation is essential. If your dog has respiratory issues or sensitivities, consult your veterinarian before using this remedy.

7. Neem Oil Spray

Neem oil is a natural insecticide derived from the neem tree, which has powerful properties that can help eliminate fleas and other pests. 

Here’s how you can make and use a neem oil spray:

  1. Dilute neem oil.
  2. Shake well.
  3. Spray onto your dog’s coat.
  4. Massage the solution into the fur. 
  5. Let it dry.
  6. Repeat as necessary.

Neem oil has a strong odor that some dogs may find unpleasant, but it fades over time. If your dog has any known allergies or sensitivities, consult your veterinarian before using this remedy.

8. Salt Treatment

Salt can be an effective and affordable remedy to kill fleas and their eggs in your home environment. Here’s how you can use salt to eliminate fleas:

  1. Sprinkle salt on carpets and bedding.
  2. Work the salt into the fibers.
  3. Leave it for a few hours.
  4. Vacuum thoroughly.
  5. Repeat as necessary.

Salt treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating fleas in the environment and may not directly affect fleas on your dog. Therefore, combining this remedy with other flea control measures is crucial to achieving optimal results.

9. Herbal Flea Spray

A homemade herbal flea spray can provide an effective and pleasant-smelling solution to repel fleas from your dog’s coat. 

Here’s how you can make and use a herbal flea spray:

  1. Prepare the herbal infusion.
  2. Strain the herbal infusion.
  3. Let it cool.
  4. Transfer to a spray bottle.
  5. Spray onto your dog’s coat.
  6. Massage the solution into the fur.
  7. Let it dry.
  8. Repeat as necessary.

The herbal flea spray provides a natural and aromatic alternative to chemical-based sprays. However, it’s important to note that some dogs may have sensitivities to certain herbs. If your dog has any known allergies or sensitivities, consult your veterinarian before using this remedy.

Ensuring a Flea-Free Life for Your Dog

If your dog has fleas, we encourage you to try these natural home remedies. If they’re ineffective, it might be worth trying a pet shampoo with tea tree oil. 

Dish soap may also be an effective solution. Remember that each dog and infestation is unique, so it’s important to monitor the effectiveness of these remedies for your furry friend. 

Observe your dog’s behavior, check for signs of fleas, and make adjustments as needed. Remember, consistency is key in combating fleas and maintaining a flea-free environment.

While these home remedies can be effective for mild to moderate flea problems, it’s crucial to seek professional guidance from a veterinarian for severe flea infestations or if your dog has any existing health conditions. Veterinarians have the expertise to provide personalized recommendations and prescribe appropriate treatments, ensuring your pet’s well-being.

As a pet owner dedicated to holistic pet health, we invite you to consider giving CBD products to your dog. CBD has been proven to support various aspects of pet health, including soothing itching and skin discomfort. 

Visit our website to learn the range of CBD products specifically formulated for dogs and give your furry companion the natural care they deserve. Combining these home remedies, veterinary guidance, and holistic solutions like CBD, you can provide comprehensive care for your dog and ensure a happy, flea-free life together!


2019: 1 in 4 Cats and 1 in 7 Dogs Carrying Fleas | School of Biological Sciences | University of Bristol

The Influence of Life History Characteristics on Flea (Siphonaptera) Species Distribution Models | PMC

What are Nematodes? | Department of Nematology | University of California, Riverside

Quantitative Assessment of Citric Acid in Lemon Juice, Lime Juice, and Commercially-Available Fruit Juice Products | NCBI Bookshelf

Natural Formulation Based on Diatomaceous Earth and Botanicals against Stored Product Insects | PMC

Neem Oil General Fact Sheet | Oregon State University
