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9 Reasons Your Cat is Not Eating

Cat Not Eating

It’s not uncommon for cats to stop eating food or treats for what seems to be no apparent reason and then, just as inexplicably, start eating again. However, there are times when cats become picky eaters for a specific reason, which may need addressing. 

Cats typically hide their pain and distress quite well, so it’s vital to pay close attention to your cat if he suddenly loses his appetite, as this can indicate a more significant issue.

As a cat owner, you should be aware of the potential causes for your cat’s sudden refusal to eat. Knowing the reasons will help you determine if there is little to be concerned about, if there is a remedy you can try at home or if you need to consult your veterinarian for a solution.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the common reasons why your cat may not be eating:

Underlying Health Problems Can Cause Cats to Stop Eating

Cats are often good at hiding when they’re uncomfortable. It may not be obvious that your cat has an underlying health issue that’s reducing your cat’s appetite. Pay close attention to your cat’s behavior across all their habits and see if anything feels amiss. 

1. Digestive Tract Diseases

While it may seem like cats have a very tough digestive system, as they happily eat mice, other rodents, birds, and any number of insects, they can have digestive health issues. Underlying issues involving the stomach, small or large intestines, pancreas, or liver can all cause your cat to stop eating. 

If your cat is experiencing vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain, this could indicate a problem in his digestive system, and a decrease in appetite may follow. Common diseases in the digestive tract include acid reflux, intestinal bacteria imbalance, parasites, irritable bowel disease (IBD), and tumors. 

Check your cat’s litter box for evidence of blood or mucus in their stool. You may be able to see visible parasites, such as live worms in their litter box or eggs in their feces. Check your cat’s litter box — if it smells much worse than usual or doesn’t have healthy bowel movements (diarrhea or constipation), it can indicate gastrointestinal issues or something else is amiss with your cat’s health.

While it may be a simple upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, or if his abdomen is sensitive to touch are all indications that you should immediately contact your veterinarian

2. Stress or Depression

Like humans, cats experience a wide range of positive and negative emotions. There can be emotional causes for a loss of appetite in your cat. For example, cats often experience anxiety or depression when a loved one—whether human or animal—is no longer in their life. When this occurs, your cat may show how he feels by refusing food or other behavioral changes. 

Giving extra attention can help him feel better, but some high-value treats like tuna may tempt him. Treats are a source of comfort. You shouldn’t give your cat too many treats or samples of human food, even when they need extra reassurance. Ensure that no more than 10 percent of your cat’s total diet is treats. Use them to get your cat in the mood to eat at mealtime. 

You can reward them for eating their regular wet cat food by providing an additional treat. Once they re-establish their normal meal routine, you can slowly roll the treats back. 

3. Changes in Environment

Cats are sensitive to change, so any changes within your home environment can cause stress and anxiety for your cat. These changes can sometimes seem subtle to humans, but they can be a big deal for cats. Some examples of environmental changes include remodeling, changing the location of food and litter boxes, social conflicts with other animals in the home, or the addition of a new human in the home. 

When your cat experiences stress or anxiety due to environmental changes within your home, it may stop eating. Try to look at his life with fresh eyes, and if you can think of a change that may cause loss of appetite, you might be able to address it and help him get back to eating normally. 

Some changes can’t be fixed. If you moved to a new house, you can’t move back into your old house just to get your cat to eat. If the change is major and irreversible, you may have to wait it out. Provide your cat with their favorite flavor and formula of food. It might tempt them to cave in and eat. 

Provide your cat with some stress support. ElleVet CBD + CBDA can help your cat feel calm while they adapt to a new set of circumstances. If your cat feels soothed, their eating habits may return. 

Age and age-related issues such as arthritis or any pain are very common causes of inappetence. Cats tend to disappear and hide out when they are depressed, stressed, or in pain, so it is essential to pay attention to all aspects of their behavior aside from not eating to try and figure out what is going on with their pet health.

Pain and stress are very related, so the loss of appetite could tell you what is wrong with your feline friend.

It’s important to take your senior cat to their regular veterinarian appointments. If you think your cat may be experiencing discomfort relating to their age, you need to let your veterinarian take a look. Your cat may need a change in habits, lifestyle, or diet to accommodate them as they age. 

5. Presence of Foreign Bodies

As the parent of a cat, you most likely have experienced your cat eating things he shouldn’t. For some cats, it’s as simple as a hairball. For others, it’s a foreign object that they simply can’t digest. These hairballs and objects can get stuck in your cat’s intestines. When this happens, it is called “obstruction.” 

When an obstruction is present in the intestines, food can’t pass through the digestive tract, and your cat will stop eating and likely will vomit. An obstruction can be extremely dangerous and require surgery if your cat cannot pass the object. Keep an eye on his litterbox and his general demeanor and if you suspect an obstruction, call your veterinarian immediately. 

6. Respiratory Tract Diseases

Respiratory diseases that prevent your cat from breathing normally can cause a loss of appetite. Problems with your cat’s upper respiratory system congest your cat’s nose with mucus and fluid, resulting in a decreased sense of smell. When your cat can’t smell, they can’t taste. It’s difficult to chew and swallow. Food slowly falls off your cat’s list of priorities. 

Flat-faced cat breeds, like Persian cats or Himalayan cats, may be more prone to respiratory health issues and respiratory infections due to their lack of snout. It’s important to monitor your flat-faced breed for respiratory health problems throughout their life. They may require medical intervention from a veterinary clinic.

Additionally, some respiratory diseases decrease your cat’s lung function, making breathing difficult. If your cat has a hard time breathing, it will make eating more challenging. Many of these respiratory problems can be treated with antibiotics; however, sometimes, it can be a more serious issue. 

Cats who have not been vaccinated can become extremely ill with respiratory disease, so it is essential that your cat is up to date on all vaccines. If he is not and appears to be suffering respiratory distress, seek veterinary care right away. 

7. Dental Diseases

Some cats experience pain in their teeth and gums from time to time. In cases of trauma to the mouth, cats can fracture their teeth, end up with a broken tooth, and develop resorptive lesions. These lesions cause inflammation, which is painful. 

Cats can develop dental plaque, just like people. Plaque can trap bacteria, leading to tooth decay and gum disease. In a perfect world, you’d be able to brush your cat’s teeth every day to help prevent plaque buildup. Your cat likely won’t allow it. 

When it comes to gum disease, if left untreated, abscesses can develop, which also cause significant amounts of mouth pain. No matter the cause of the dental pain, if your cat’s mouth is uncomfortable, it will most likely not want to eat. 

Dental issues are often hard to diagnose in a cat, but they are quite common, especially in older cats. Dental surgery or cleaning may be required to alleviate the pain and get your cat back to being comfortable and eating again.

The Importance of Food Taste, Shape, and Texture

We all have taste and texture preferences. You might hate mushy peas or mayonnaise. Your children may only eat chicken nuggets in the shape of a dinosaur. Preferences, food aversions, and quirks about types of food are a part of who we are, and your cat isn’t any different.

8. Food Taste

Cat lovers know how particular they can be. Some cats will be perfectly content to eat the same flavor food for years and then decide out of the blue they no longer prefer it. They’re a lot like us. You would probably get tired of eating the exact same thing every day for months. Your cat might be seeking variety in their food bowl when your cat stops eating.

Most of the time, this sudden lack of interest in food happens because of changes in your cat’s taste. However, there are times when the food manufacturer has actually changed the ingredients without changing the packaging. When the manufacturer makes this change, your cat may not like it and will let you know by refusing to eat!

If you still have the previous packaging, compare the labels and spot the differences. You might be able to find an image of the old label or a previous ingredient list online. The information you find can be invaluable. It may help you decipher what your cat does and doesn’t like. If you find food similar to the old formula, try it. 

Pick up a small sampling of new foods and give your cat a little buffet. Lay out three or more canned food or kibble options in a line, placing each dish about a foot apart. Let your cat smell and investigate the new foods. They’re bound to try at least one of them. See what your cat eats, and keep buying that food.

9. Food Shape and Texture

One of the things we love the most about our cats is how smart they are! Believe it or not, cats take note of the shape and texture of their food. Some cats like triangles, while others prefer round shapes. Some will only eat crunchy dry food, while others will only eat wet food. If you have recently changed the shape or texture of your cat food, this could cause your cat to stop eating.

What To Do When Your Cat Won’t Eat

It’s always unsettling when our cats suddenly stop eating, and our minds can wander to the worst-case scenario. Cats are challenging to decipher, but they tell us if they aren’t feeling well by not eating.

If your cat has stopped eating, it is always best to address the issue as soon as it becomes noticeable. No matter if you suspect an underlying disease or a problem with their food if you feel unsure about your cat’s lack of appetite, it’s best to call your veterinarian’s office for a consultation. 

With proper treatment, your cat will most likely be back to eating its food in no time. No one knows your cat better than you do, so call your veterinarian if something doesn’t seem right with your cat.

While visiting your veterinarian, ask if ElleVet CBD + CBDA can be a part of the solution. CBD + CBDA can provide stress and cognitive support and relieve discomfort in senior cats. When your cat begins to feel more like themselves again, they may be a little more eager to visit the food dish a few more times each day. 


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