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Feline Breed Profile: Siamese Cats

Siamese cat

Siamese cats are known for their unique coloring and piercing blue eyes. They are incredibly affectionate and social companions who want nothing more than to spend time with their families, making them loving and loyal pets. If you are considering bringing a Siamese into your family, it is important to understand their unique personalities, potential health concerns, and grooming and activity needs. 

Table of contents 

Siamese cat history  

As their name suggests, Siamese cats are descended from the sacred temple cats in Siam, now called Thailand. Although no one is certain when Siamese cats were first bred and domesticated, it’s commonly believed that they originated in Thailand around the 14th century. In fact, they are considered one of the oldest existing Asian cat breeds, according to the National Siamese Cat Club. Serving as temple cats of the King of Siam, these felines were used as guard cats and highly prized by royal families for their distinctive and beautiful appearances. 

The first Siamese cats in Europe were a gift from the King of Siam to the English consulate general in Bangkok in the late 1800s. It was around this time that the breed also made its way over to the United States. In 1906, the Cat Fanciers’ Association officially recognized the breed. Siamese cats remained fairly rare in the U.S. until after World War II but are consistently ranked as one of the most popular cats breeds in the country now. 

Famous Siamese cat owners include James Dean, President Rutherford B. Hayes, Marilyn Monroe, President Jimmy Carter, Andy Warhol, Elizabeth Taylor, and John Lennon. 

Size and appearance  

Siamese cats are known for their sleek lines, striking color contrast, sharp features, deep blue almond eyes, and short silky coats. They have large ears set on their head in a way that gives their head a triangular shape. Siamese cats’ bodies are elegant and elongated, yet muscular, and they can grow up to 24 inches long.  

These medium-sized cats can weigh between 8 and 12 pounds, with smaller females occasionally weighing less than 8 pounds. Their distinctive coat is short and fine and has a pale body color with darker coloring around their “points” (i.e., face, ears, legs, and tails). This colorpoint pattern can come in a variety of color combinations, including chocolate, seal, lilac, and blue. 

Siamese kittens are born completely white or cream colored and later develop the dark points characteristic of the breed. The face mask pattern, for example, gradually grows to cover most of the cat’s face by the time they reach adulthood. The recessive gene responsible for this pattern causes the production of melanin (dark pigment) only in cooler extremities of the body. 


The short, sleek coats of Siamese cats are easy to maintain and require little attention. They have a low level of shedding, which means that they make excellent pets for owners with mild to moderate allergies. While the coat needs little care, Siamese cats tend to associate brushing with affection and will enjoy spending time being groomed. 

Siamese cats’ ears should be checked weekly for any signs of irritation, mites, or infection. Like all pets, these felines also require dental hygiene attention. Brushing their teeth regularly, at least weekly, helps prevent periodontal disease. Their nails should be trimmed every couple of weeks, as well. 

Activity level  

Siamese cats are considered highly active cats and need a lot of active engagement and strenuous exercise to be happy. They are great jumpers and love heights, so they will thrive in a household where perches and cat trees provide climbing, hiding, and exploring opportunities.  

As they are very intelligent and love being around their humans, Siamese cats often enjoy playing with interactive toys like teasers and food puzzles. Both physical and mental stimulation provide great opportunities for these cats to burn energy and bond with their people. 


According to the Pet Health Network, the average life expectancy for a Siamese is between 15 and 20 years. While they are generally healthy cats, they can be predisposed to some health issues due to genetics. 

Potential health risks for Siamese cats include amyloidosis (disease of the liver), asthma, dental disease, and several kinds of cancer. In addition, cross-eyed Siamese were common decades ago, as the same gene that gives them colored points can also result in faulty vision wiring in the brain. 

The tendency for crossed eyes was mostly bred out, but it still means that Siamese have less-acute vision than other cats, so they are more vulnerable to being hit by vehicles when outside after dark. Reputable Siamese breeders will screen for health issues in your kitten, but it’s important to have them screened regularly into adulthood. 


Siamese cats are known for being affectionate and social, making them wonderful family pets. They love being with their people, and often bond closely and become dependent on one person. If you are looking for a “Velcro cat” who follows your every move, Siamese cats are a perfect match. 

Siamese cats are not well suited for homes with small children, as they don’t want to have to compete for their owner’s attention. They also do not like being home alone and may get depressed and or stressed if left for longer than a couple of hours at a time. If you have a busy schedule that keeps you away from home often, consider hiring someone to come spend time with your Siamese or adopting another pet to keep them company.  

These cats have a reputation for being extraordinarily talkative and interactive, meaning that they require a lot of attention and stimulation. They are also highly intelligent, very vocal, and opinionated. You will always know where you stand with a Siamese cat in the house. 

How can ElleVet’s CBD + CBDA help Siamese cats? 

Because they are such “Velcro kitties,” Siamese cats can be prone to experiencing stress related to separation from their owner. Unfortunately, this stress can take a serious toll on cats’ health and quality of life. 

ElleVet’s CBD + CBDA feline oil and paste can help their stress levels decrease and return to a normal state of balance. By truly calming without sedating, CBD + CBDA allows cats to relax when apart from their owners and learn that being alone is not something to be afraid of, helping to reduce their stress response over time.  

As always, consult your veterinarian if your cat shows signs of stress. For any questions about ElleVet’s CBD + CBDA products or how CBD can help your feline friend live their best life, give us a call (844-673-7287) or send us an email ( ([email protected]). We are here to help.    

Bottom line on Siamese cats 

Overall, Siamese cats are wonderful family pets full of love and affection. Owners should understand and monitor for signs of stress in their Siamese, particularly separation-related stress. Siamese cats are intelligent, eager and energetic playmates, and great at making friends with everyone. 
