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Why Do Dogs Eat Cat Poop?

Why Do Dogs Eat Cat Poop?

As pet parents, we’ve all had moments of astonishment and perhaps even repulsion when our beloved canine decides to dine on something less than appetizing, like cat poop. While it’s not exactly the gourmet meal we’d hope for our furry friends, the act raises some important questions. 

Why are dogs attracted to cat feces? Is it harmful? And most importantly, how can we deter this behavior? 

This article seeks to delve into canine behavior, explore the reasons behind this unusual dining choice, and offer insights to concerned dog parents.

How Can You Understand Canine Behavior?

Before we can comprehend why dogs might be drawn to cat feces, we must dive deep into our canine companions’ history and natural behaviors. Despite the domestic comforts they now enjoy, dogs have a lineage rooted in wild ancestors. These ancestors were scavengers, often consuming whatever they stumbled upon to survive.

Understanding this historical context is essential for pet parents. It offers a lens through which we can view many of their behaviors, even those that seem odd or out of place in a modern household. Scavenging is an instinctual behavior, a survival mechanism hardwired into their DNA over thousands of years.

In the wild, food sources were unpredictable. What might be a feast one day could quickly turn into a famine the next. This uncertainty necessitated flexibility in dietary choices, even if those choices seem unappealing to us. 

Eating cat poop can, in some ways, be traced back to this scavenging history. It’s a manifestation of their instinctual drive to explore potential food sources, no matter how unconventional they seem.

Why Are Dogs Attracted to Cat Poop?

The sight of our dog enjoying something as unpalatable as cat feces can undoubtedly be unsettling for many pet parents. Delving into the reasons behind this behavior can provide us with actionable insights and understanding. 

While no single reason accounts for every dog’s taste for cat droppings, a combination of instinctual behaviors and environmental factors often come into play. This section will examine some of those reasons to help you better understand your dog. 

Dietary Reasons

Cats, being obligate carnivores, consume a primarily meat-centric diet. As a result, their feces can be rich in residual proteins and fats. 

Some experts postulate that dogs might find cat feces a palatable source of these nutrients. If a dog perceives a gap in its nutritional intake, cat feces might be an unconventional supplement that fills this void.

Cat Food 

The taste profile of cat food is distinct from that of dog food. Designed to cater to a feline’s preference for meat, cat food might contain flavors or remnants that dogs find irresistible. Essentially, the traces of cat food in feces could be the primary attractant for some dogs.


Dogs are innately inquisitive creatures. Like human toddlers, dogs often use their mouths to explore, investigating various objects they encounter. 

This oral-centric exploration isn’t always governed by hunger. At times, tasting or chewing things like cat feces is merely a manifestation of their curious nature.

Ancient Instincts 

Beyond the innate scavenging behaviors, another theory posits that consuming the feces of other animals is an instinctual tactic to remove evidence. In the wild, leaving such traces could inadvertently attract predators or signal vulnerability to other packs. 

By consuming these traces, dogs might be acting on an ancient impulse to maintain safety and protect their territory.

Attention Seeking

Our canine companions are attention-driven beings. They cherish the moments of interaction, play, and affection with their human family. 

If a dog discerns that indulging in cat feces garners immediate attention, it might resort to this behavior, even if the attention is reprimanding. To them, negative attention can sometimes be more appealing than being ignored.

Taste Preferences 

It may sound odd, but some dogs might just like the taste. As humans have individual tastes, dogs have their preferences, even if they don’t align with our sensibilities.

Behavioral Issues 

Sometimes, consuming feces, a behavior known as coprophagia, can indicate underlying behavioral or health issues. Pet parents must monitor and consult with veterinarians if this behavior becomes frequent.

Environmental Factors

Dogs influenced by their surroundings might pick up habits from observing other animals, including eating feces. Additionally, boredom or limited stimuli in their environment can lead to such behaviors as a form of self-entertainment.

Understanding our dogs’ behaviors and motivations is crucial in our journey as pet parents. Addressing issues like dietary gaps with top-tier science or modifying environmental factors can aid in curbing this behavior, ensuring our pets remain happy and healthy.

What Are the Potential Risks for Dogs Who Eat Cat Poop?

For pet parents, the primary concern when their canine companion indulges in cat feces often goes beyond the “yuck” factor. The ingestion of cat poop can introduce a variety of health risks. It’s essential to have an informed perspective on the potential dangers and how best to address them.

Transmission of Diseases 

Cat feces can be a carrier for certain diseases transmitted to dogs upon ingestion. For instance, diseases like toxoplasmosis, caused by a parasite present in some cat feces, can affect dogs if they consume infected fecal matter. 

While many dogs might not show immediate symptoms, over time, such diseases can lead to significant health complications.


Beyond specific diseases, cat feces can host a range of parasites like tapeworms, giardia, and coccidia. If a cat is infected, its feces becomes a transmission vehicle. Dogs ingesting such feces can become hosts to these parasites, leading to gastrointestinal problems, weight loss, and other health issues.

Digestive Issues

Even if the feces are free from diseases or parasites, dogs might still suffer from digestive problems post-ingestion. Cat poop, a non-standard food source for dogs, can cause upset stomachs, diarrhea, or even vomiting.

Toxins and Medications 

If the cat has recently been treated with medications or has ingested something toxic, traces of these substances can be present in its feces. When a dog consumes such feces, it can inadvertently ingest these harmful substances, leading to potential poisoning or adverse reactions.

Behavioral Concerns 

Regular ingestion of cat feces might also signal underlying behavioral issues or dietary deficiencies. If a dog constantly seeks out cat feces, it might indicate a nutritional gap in their diet or a behavioral concern that requires addressing.

Monitoring your dog’s health is crucial to mitigate these risks if you suspect they’ve consumed cat feces. A consultation with a veterinarian is always recommended in such situations.

Additionally, consider integrating pet supplements into their diet. These can bolster their immune system, helping them combat potential infections or parasites more effectively. Remember, an informed and proactive approach is the best defense in ensuring our pets remain healthy and happy.

How Can You Prevent Your Dog From Eating Cat Poop?

The age-old mystery of “Why do dogs eat cat poop?” may have multiple answers, but here’s the good news: there are actionable steps pet parents can take to curb this behavior.

  • Safe Spaces: Designate a specific area for your cat’s litter box, ideally in a location inaccessible to your dog. Baby gates or pet barriers can be effective tools.
  • Regular Cleaning: Clean the cat’s litter box frequently. By promptly removing feces, you reduce the chances of your dog getting to it.
  • Distraction Techniques: Provide your dog with engaging toys or delicious treats. These can divert their attention and reduce their attraction to the litter box.
  • Training: Reinforce positive behaviors in your dog. A simple “leave it” command can work wonders when trained effectively.
  • Consult a Veterinarian: If the behavior persists, consider a check-up to rule out dietary deficiencies or other underlying health issues.

Why Does My Dog Eat Other Gross Things?

One of the commonalities that many pet parents see is their dog’s tendency to eat disgusting things. From decomposing carcasses to animal feces, garbage, or even their own excrement, these revolting discoveries can leave owners baffled and repulsed. 

While the reasons behind such behavior can vary, it often stems from their innate instincts, curiosity, or even a way to mask their own scent. It is important to remember that smells are data to our dogs: they are learning about the world around them through their noses and mouths.

Why Does My Dog Roll in Gross Things?

Rolling in smelly things is an instinctual behavior in dogs that serves various purposes. While it is not definitively proven that it masks a dog’s scent, it is believed to have evolved from their ancestors’ natural behaviors. 

Here are a few possible reasons why dogs engage in this behavior:

  1. Camouflage: Dogs may roll in smelly substances to camouflage their own scent, making it harder for potential predators or prey to detect them. By acquiring a new odor, they may be able to blend into their environment more effectively.
  2. Social Signaling: Rolling in odorous substances might serve as a way for dogs to communicate with other animals. Just as dogs mark their territory with urine, rolling in certain scents may communicate information about their presence, territory, or individual identity to other dogs in the area.
  3. Masking Unpleasant Smells: Dogs have a keen sense of smell and may roll in strong-smelling substances to mask offensive or unfamiliar odors that they perceive as unpleasant. By covering up these smells, they may feel more comfortable in their environment.
  4. Pleasurable Sensation: Some dogs might simply find rolling in smelly things enjoyable or rewarding. The sensation of the smell and texture against their fur might be stimulating or provide a sensory experience that they find satisfying.

It’s important to note that not all dogs engage in this behavior, and the reasons can vary between individuals. If this behavior becomes excessive or problematic, it’s recommendable to work with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to modify or redirect the behavior appropriately.

Wrapping Up

Understanding why dogs are drawn to cat feces requires delving deep into their instincts, health, and behaviors. By being attentive pet parents and implementing the right preventive measures, we can safeguard our canine companions from potential health risks. 

Remember, knowledge, combined with action, will ensure our pets lead healthier, happier lives. When in doubt, always rely on trusted, scientifically backed insights and professional advice to guide your decisions.

For more resources on pet health and behavior, check out the ElleVet blog. We strive to offer information and tools for all pet parents looking to support their pets’ health and wellness. 


Toxoplasmosis | CDC 

Giardia | Parasites | CDC

A selective review of advances in coccidiosis research | NIH

Dog Diarrhea Survival Guide | AKC
