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Is It Normal for Dogs To Snore?

Is It Normal for Dogs To Snore?

As the lights go off and the house settles into a quiet lull, you may hear your beloved dog’s soft, rhythmic snore. While this might bring some pet parents a smile, it raises concerns for others. 

Is it typical for dogs to snore? Does it mean they’re in a deep, restful sleep, or is it an indication of a health issue? 

Understanding your dog’s snoring can be the key to ensuring their comfort and well-being.

Is Dog Snoring the Same as Human Snoring?

Like humans, snoring in dogs results from airflow, causing the tissues of the palate and throat to vibrate. This typically occurs when there’s an obstruction or unusual flow of air in the respiratory structures. Some dogs might have a little snore now and then, while others might snore loudly every night.

Certain breeds, especially those with brachycephalic (short-nosed) features like Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boston Terriers, are more prone to snoring. Their unique facial structure means their airways are more compressed, leading them to snore. 

But it’s not just about the breed. Factors such as age, health, and even the dog’s sleeping position can play roles in whether they snore or not.

To many pet parents, a dog’s snore is a sign of deep, restful sleep. However, it’s essential to differentiate between the occasional snore and more persistent, louder snoring, which might indicate underlying issues. 

By getting a clearer picture of why dogs snore, pet parents can better address any concerns and ensure their furry friends are getting the quality sleep they deserve.

Why Do Dogs Snore?

Snoring can be as individual to a dog as their bark or the wag of their tail. However, several common reasons can explain why your dog might be sawing logs at night. This section will closely examine the most common reasons dogs snore.

Sleeping Positions

Just as some people snore when lying on their backs but not their sides, dogs can snore because of their sleeping posture. A dog lying on its back might have its tongue fall to the back of its throat, partially blocking airflow and causing those familiar snoring sounds.

Blocked Nasal Passages 

Like us, dogs can get stuffy noses. A blocked nose can certainly lead to snoring, whether it’s from a temporary cold, allergies, or even an occasional bout with atopic dermatitis allergies. The narrower the pathway for the air, the more likely those tissues in the throat will vibrate from the force of the inhalation.


Carrying extra weight, especially around the neck, can put pressure on the airway, leading to snoring. It’s yet another reason to ensure your pup maintains a healthy weight.


Beyond just a stuffy nose, allergies can cause inflammation in the throat or increase mucus production, both of which can lead to snoring. Just like humans, dogs can develop allergies to various things, from pollen to certain foods.

Collapsed Trachea

A collapsed trachea is a condition where the cartilage rings in the trachea weaken, causing the airway to narrow and collapse, particularly during inhalation. This condition is commonly seen in small or toy breeds. When a dog has a collapsed trachea, it can cause breathing difficulties, including noisy and labored breathing. 

Snoring can be one of the symptoms associated with this condition. The collapse obstructs the airway, leading to turbulent airflow and vibrations that manifest as snoring sounds. If a dog is snoring consistently or experiencing other respiratory issues, it is important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and management of the collapsed trachea.

Kennel Cough

Kennel cough, also known as infectious tracheobronchitis, is a highly contagious respiratory infection in dogs. The condition is often caused by a combination of bacteria and viruses, such as Bordetella bronchiseptica. 

Kennel cough can lead to inflammation and irritation of the upper respiratory tract, including the trachea. This inflammation can cause a dog to snore or produce snorting-like sounds while breathing. 

The swollen trachea can partially obstruct the airway, resulting in disrupted airflow and snoring. If your dog develops a persistent snoring sound along with other symptoms, such as coughing or nasal discharge, seeking veterinary care is advised for proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What Health Concerns Does Snoring Pose For Dogs?

While many cases of dog snoring are benign, sometimes the nighttime noises can indicate a more serious health concern. It’s always a good idea to keep a listening ear and be aware of changes in the pattern or intensity of your dog’s snoring.

Brachycephalic breeds, with their squished noses and flat faces, not only have a predisposition to snore but also face potential respiratory challenges. Conditions like Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) can pose significant health risks and might first manifest as heavy snoring.

Beyond breed-specific concerns, sudden onset snoring, especially in a dog that hasn’t typically snored before, could indicate respiratory infections, polyps, or growths in the throat or nasal passages. Furthermore, if the snoring is accompanied by other symptoms — such as difficulty breathing, frequent waking, or signs of distress — it’s crucial to consult a veterinarian. 

Sleep should be restorative and peaceful for your pet, not a time of struggle. Remember, while occasional snoring might just be a quirk of your dog, staying attentive to their nighttime behaviors can ensure they remain healthy and happy. After all, a good night’s sleep benefits both pets and pet parents.

How Can You Help Your Dog Snore Less?

If your dog’s snoring has you losing sleep or concerned about their well-being, there are several measures you can take to help them breathe easier at night.

First, consider their sleeping environment. Ensure their bed or sleeping space is comfortable and supports their body, especially the neck and head. An orthopedic bed can often help by providing better alignment.

Slightly elevating their head might also assist in clearer breathing. This can be done with a specialized dog pillow or by positioning their bed so that the head is slightly higher than the rest of their body.

Maintaining optimal humidity in the room can ease respiratory passages. Dry air can irritate the throat and nasal passages, so consider using a humidifier if you live in a particularly dry climate.

When Should You Consult a Vet About Your Dog’s Snoring?

While snoring might often be harmless, it’s essential to understand when to seek professional advice. A sudden change in your dog’s snoring pattern or intensity, or if other concerning symptoms accompany it, warrants a vet visit.

For example, if you notice your dog gasping for air, showing signs of distress during sleep, or waking up frequently, these might indicate a more profound respiratory or health issue. If your dog has nasal discharge, a cough, or other signs of a respiratory infection, it’s vital to get them checked. 

Similarly, if you suspect allergies — perhaps due to increased scratching, red eyes, or other allergic reactions — your vet can guide you in managing and potentially reducing these symptoms. 

Brachycephalic breeds, given their unique facial structure, should be monitored closely. If their snoring becomes more intense or they seem to struggle with breathing during the day, it might be a sign of a condition like BOAS requiring specialized care.

Routine vet check-ups are also an excellent way to stay proactive. Regularly discussing your dog’s sleeping habits can ensure potential problems are spotted and addressed early. 

Your dog’s comfort and health are paramount. Stay attentive, be proactive, and when in doubt, always consult with a trusted veterinary professional.

Wrapping Up

Dogs, much like humans, have their unique quirks and habits. While common in many canines, snoring should be observed with a careful balance of understanding and vigilance. It’s essential to differentiate between a harmless nighttime sound and a potential sign of underlying health issues. 

Stay attentive, consult with veterinary professionals when in doubt, and remember that our pets rely on us to provide them with the best care possible. Their snoring might just be a nudge for us to tune in a bit closer, ensuring their overall health and happiness are always at the forefront.

For more information about pet health and behavior, check out the ElleVet blog. We strive to offer resources and tools for all pet parents looking to support their pets’ health and wellness. 


Obesity in Dogs: A Major Health Threat Hiding in Plain Sight | American Kennel Society

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

Canine infectious respiratory disease complex (Kennel cough) | American Veterinary Medical Association

Different Types of Dog Allergies: How to Identify and Treat Them | American Kennel Club
